Battling Your Past Self and Making Bold Moves

Isn’t it intriguing how our minds are wired to keep us safe? It’s like when I want to create these grand paintings but find myself hesitating, choosing slightly larger canvases instead of the enormous ones I truly desire. Or craving to infuse my art with boldness, yet holding back from those high-pigment colors I use in my sketches. It’s those nagging thoughts whispering, “That won’t sell” or “Designers won’t want boldness.” These narratives our mind crafts to protect us, to keep us playing small.

Lately, I’ve delved deep into mindset work, examining the stories we tell ourselves. Sometimes it can be an ongoing battle with this inner dialogue. 

Have you caught HBO’s “Physical”? I remember watching it, wine in hand (because, priorities), and being struck by how familiar the protagonist’s inner voice sounded. It hit home how I've spoken to myself with that same harshness. In high school, my inner critic incessantly scolded me—I was too this, not enough of that. And even now, that voice sneaks back in.

Recently, I listened to a Mel Robbins podcast discussing the notion of battling our past selves to achieve success. Her daughter’s journey in releasing her first album mirrored this struggle. She hesitated, facing her insecure past self. Identifying this inner conflict empowered her to silence that nagging voice.

It’s all about recognizing that tiny voice for what it is—a relic of past doubts, now insignificant. By understanding its origins, it loses its grip on us.

So, it’s time to silence that voice. It’s time to shift focus inward, away from endless scrolling. For me, it’s about creating relentlessly to move through it. What’s yournext move?

Wishing you a fantastic week ahead and may you have the courage to silence that inner, past self.


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